In this episode, Diverse host David Pluviose goes one-on-one with Dr. Mangala Subramaniam, chair and director of the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence at Purdue University. Following up from a conversation that began at a Diverse roundtable during last month’s American Council on Education (ACE) annual meeting, Dr. Subramaniam and David talk about the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, inclusion strategies, anti-racism, and much more. Tune in to also hear her thoughts on the crucial role that leaders play in their support for equity and diversity in higher education. This is an episode you won’t want to miss. Enjoy their discussion.
- The effects of COVID on recruitment and retention in higher education.
- What can and should institutions do to prioritize diversity?
- What can be done at a departmental level to tackle isolation and tokenism among young minority professors?
- Thoughts on the lack of clarity in tenure, promotion, and annual review guidelines.
- The role of leaders in achieving equity and diversity.
“There are going to be faculty and heads who may not like being in a position of authority and being asked to rethink or redo something. But I do think if leaders want responsibility and want to bring about change, if they want transformation of institutions, that is critical.”
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