Dr. Pamela D. ReedDr. Pamela D. Reed navigates the often treacherous white waters of America's ever-changing cultural landscape. Come what may, she keeps it moving-the dialogue, that is.OpinionFrom the Ideal to the Real: A Daughter of the South Reflects on Obama’s First Year“What a difference a year makes.” And when it comes to President Barack Obama, never has this truism been more, well, true. This time last year, I was euphoric —to the point of numbness. When I received official word that Barack Hussein Obama was elected 44th president of the United States, I was beside myself. […]November 5, 2009OpinionA People on the Precipice?The recent news of the savage gang rape of a fifteen year-old girl in Richmond, California broke my heart. Again. I have thought of little else since hearing the gruesome details of the child’s ordeal, as others stood by-watching, cheering, filming, or partaking – for over two and ½ hours. For the second time in […]October 28, 2009OpinionA People on the Precipice?The recent news of the savage gang rape of a 15-year-old girl in Richmond, Calif., broke my heart. Again. I have thought of little else since hearing the gruesome details of the child’s ordeal, as others stood by-watching, cheering, filming, or partaking – for over two and ½ hours. For the second time in recent […]October 28, 2009OpinionThe House RulesMorehouse College has laid down the law. And not a moment too soon… As has been widely reported in many of the major national news outlets, the storied all-male private college, known as “Harvard of the South,” has issued a sweeping dress code for all of its 2,700 students. In case you haven’t seen it, […]October 20, 2009OpinionOf a Black President, White Children, and Maintaining the Status QuoLast week proved quite revealing. It began with the conservative hysteria surrounding President Obama’s education speech to the children of America, and it culminated with the extreme right wing 9/12 Tea Party March on Washington this weekend, billed as a gathering of “freedom loving patriots.” And just when you thought things couldn’t get any more outrageous, […]September 13, 2009OpinionIt is High Time for a Black Woman on the High Court“Make me do it.” -Barack Hussein Obama The relevance of the above challenge issued by then-Senator Barack Obama will soon become obvious. For now, let me first congratulate Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama’s nominee for the soon-to-be vacant seat of retiring high court Associate Justice David Souter. Obama’s historic nomination of the first Latina to the […]June 1, 2009OpinionBlack History, No More?Now that Barack Obama is President of the United States, why don’t we just pretend that America wasn’t built on slaveholding? If the spate of recent “post-racial” articles suggesting that we need no longer commemorate the African American struggle for freedom and equality in this country is any indication, this seems to be where we’re […]May 21, 2009OpinionObama Decision to Boycott World Racism Conference is RegrettableChange has come to America. Doubters of this undeniable truth need only look to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for confirmation. Or to the international stage, where President Barack Obama — along with first lady Michelle Obama — has taken the world by storm. Let’s face it. It was nothing short of amazing to witness the Obamas […]April 19, 2009Opinion“Racism Without Racists” Is Twisted LogicThere is an astonishing theoretical perspective taking hold in the American academy, and working its way down into the mainstream. And if it remains unchallenged, it seems that it is well on its way to becoming an accepted tenet. It is the bizarre idea that, while racism is alive and well in America — to […]October 8, 2008OpinionVirginia State Election Board’s Use of Jim Crow-like Student Residency Questionnaire Raises Voting Rights QuestionsThe New York Timesreports that E. Randall Wertz, the county registrar of voters in Montgomery County, Va., recently issued two outrageous and confusing (at best) press releases with regard to college student voter registration. The first of the official missives made several patently false claims: 1) the parents of students who register and vote […]September 16, 2008Previous PagePage 3 of 4Next Page