The DOIT Certification Benchmarks Progress
Institutional Transformative Diversity Leadership
DOIT Instructional Videos:
Diverse Organization Impact Transformation Certification Recipients
A five-month process has resulted in the inaugural cohort of institutions receiving the national Diverse Organizational Impact and Transformation (DOIT) certification. The expertise and partnership between Diverse: Issues in Higher Education and Coopwood Diversity Leadership & Education Universal (Coop Di Leu) drew over 300 institutions’ interest in earning this coveted recognition. Each institution responded to a Likert-scale instrument to assess the degree of engagement in and repetition of transformative diversity components (behaviors) of Coop Di Leu’s Institutional Pillars of Transformation (IPTs).
Finalist institutions’ evidence submitted to verify responses to the DOIT survey was reviewed for core markers. Core markers comprised: 1.) response and evidence matching, 2.) substantial transformative behavioral change, 3.) adequate evidence volume, and 4.) adjacent pillar impact. Additionally, reviewers sought to discover what institutions were not doing, which might nullify certification achievement.
Submission requirements included: 1.) explaining the process(es) used to establish and mandate the institutional behavior(s), 2.) providing evidence that substantiated the institution’s claim that it repeated the behavior “very often” (seven of 10 repetitions) as a matter of business, and 3.) identifying the level of impact of the behaviors on the institution and targeted populations.
The institutions bearing the title of “Certified DOIT Institution” survived rigorous, autonomous review and scrutiny by nationally known experts from the states of Indiana, Florida, Maryland, Pittsburgh, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Texas. On the following pages are profiles of Coe College, Grand Valley State University, and Morgan State University, the institutions that earned DOIT certification.Â
Each reviewer was selected against qualifying criteria, including a minimum service tenure of five years in a senior-level diversity role, 10 years in higher education, board service, and signing a statement of integrity agreement.
DOIT Reviewers
Dufour, Graciela, SPHR
Associate Vice President for Human Resources & Organizational Development
Stetson University
Harvey, William B., Ed.D.
Distinguished Scholar
American Association for Access, Equity, and Diversity
Martinez, Jobi, Ph.D.
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer
Harris Health System
Summers, Tammi, Ph.D.
Vice President, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Gateway Technical College
Wallace Jr., James, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs
Indiana University Northwest
Pickett, Clyde Wilson, Ed.D.
Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer
University of Pittsburgh
Whitcomb Jenkins, Stancia
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
University of Nebraska System
DOIT Administrators and Researchers
Ken Coopwood Sr., Ph.D. – CEO, Coopwood Diversity Leadership & Education Universal
Coopwood holds certifications as an International Return on Investment Professional, Certified Diversity Executive, and a Brain Dominance Practitioner. He is also certified in cultural competency in behavioral health. He is a four-time senior-level diversity executive in higher education. He provides professional development and consultation to university professionals, domestic and abroad.
Coopwood is the developer and principal researcher of the Diverse Organizational Impact and Transformation (DOIT) certification, a collaboration with Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. He is a former board member and co-chair for professional development for NADOHE and a board member of the Society for Diversity.
Ralph Newell – Diverse: Issues in Higher Education
Often challenged by institutions on their ability to recruit and admit students of color and to recruit, hire, and retain faculty and staff of color, he embarked on a personal crusade to close the gap. He started researching diversity recruitment, which led to several speaking and consulting opportunities. In 2011, he came across the original version of Keep It Real, subsequently re-released as Keep It Real-Diverse. Now working with the game’s third release in 2020, Newell and the team at Diverse continue to host interactive diversity training workshops across the country for students, faculty, and staff.
In 1992, Newell created the Arthur Ashe, Jr Sports Scholars Awards that annually honor student-athletes of color that have not only reached high levels of success in their sport but are also highly active in their communities and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. At Diverse, he leads the Diverse Sports channel and the magazine’s sports-related issues, coordinating with the NCAA on points of common interest.
In addition, Newell is vice president of CMA’s nonprofit research arm, The Diversity In Education Fund. Newell is integral in developing, securing, and performing diversity-related research and consulting in this role. He is undertaking significant diversity research with Coop Di Leu, LLC called the DOIT (Diverse Organizational Impact & Transformation) certification, focusing on transformative diversity standards in higher education. The first certifications were scheduled to be released in 2022. DOIT will grade and assess an institution’s academic curriculum, senior leadership and commitment, campus climate, and senior leadership composition. He has also done work for organizations such as the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Kellogg Foundation, National Science Foundation, Thurgood Marshall College Fund, and Monster.com.
Newell received a bachelor’s degree from William & Mary and an MBA from George Mason University. He has done additional post-graduate studies in e-commerce and online publishing at Stanford University. When Newell is not working at Diverse, he can often be found on college football fields across America officiating. He enjoys photography, cooking, traveling, and spending time with his family.
Christen Priddie, Ph.D. – Researcher
Priddie holds a doctorate in the higher education program from Indiana University, Bloomington, a master’s degree in general psychology from Virginia State University, and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from San Diego State University. She is affiliated with the American Education Research Association (AERA) and the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). Her research interests include campus environments, STEM performance, and persistence for racially minoritized college students.
Learn about the DOIT Certification in a Diverse In the Margins Podcast
Listen here
Pillar I: Institutional Leadership & Commitment (ILC)
Pillar II: Institutional Curricular & Co-Curricular Accountability (CCT)
Pillar III: Institutional Climate (IC)
Pillar IV: Institutional Representation/Composition (RD)
- Coe College
- Frontier Nursing University
- Grand Valley State University
- Texas Woman’s University
- The University of Oklahoma
- Central Washington University
- College of Southern Maryland
- Midwives College of Utah
- Morgan State University
- Sul Ross State University