Rhett S. JonesAfrican-AmericanBlack studies comes to power? – importance of a series of conferences to African American StudiesFour conferences important to African American Studies were held this fall. Columbia University’s Institute for Research in African-American Studies hosted “The Future of African-American Studies Theory, Pedagogy, and Research;” New York University’s Africana Studies Program and Institute of Afro-American Affairs sponsored “Finding Fanon: Critical Genealogies;” Temple University held the Eighth Annual Cheikh Anta Diop Conference with the theme “The Impact and Significance of the Works of Dr. Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga;” and the National Council for Black Studies held its annual meeting at Gallaudet University, this year titled “Celebrating Thirty Years of Black Studies/Africana Studies: A Legacy of Leadership, Learning and Change.”July 4, 2007StudentsDiversity, Visibility and Invisibility in Higher EducationThe article “Class Matters” by Patricia Valdata on the research of Skidmore College professor Dr. Janet Galligani Casey…March 8, 2006Page 1 of 1