David PegoLeadership & PolicyTo educate a nation; Native American tribe hopes to bring higher education to an Arizona reservation – Tohono O’Odham Nation, Papago Indian Reservation, Sells, ArizonaWhen the Tohono O’Odham Nation’s surveyed its members last year about barriers that they faced to obtaining a college degree, recurring themes kept cropping up. The nearest college to the Sells, Arizona community was more than an hour’s drive away. Moving to a city with a college was not an option for others. And many found the high cost of big-city rent prohibitive.July 12, 2007LatinxDos culturas, one pedagogy: teaching history from black and Hispanic perspectives – efforts to raise ethnic identity amongst the Mexican and African Americans in Texas – Cover StoryTeaching History From Black and Hispanic Perspectives.June 15, 2007Page 1 of 1