Ronald B. McFaddenAfrican-AmericanWaiting for a Miracle: Why School Can’t Solve Our Problems and How We Can. – book reviewsJames Corner, M.D., adds his name to the dozens of recent books written about the effectiveness of American schools and matters of race, culture; and intelligence. Waiting for a Miracle: Why School Can’t Solve Our Problems and How We Can is a treatise on the interconnectedness between sound child development and effective schooling, family, and community and societal networks. It also examines the historical impact of economic and social policies on the development of groups in America.July 12, 2007HomeLulling educators into a false sense of satisfaction – debate over effectiveness of public schools in ‘The Manufactured Crisis’ by David C. Berliner and Bruce J. BiddleThe Manufactured Crisis, David C. Berliner and Bruce J. Biddle, Addison-Wesley, 1995. $25.00 (hardcover)June 16, 2007Page 1 of 1