Angela StephensHomeBilingual back talk: educators, politicians look for countermeasures to California initiative – Proposition 227SAN FRANCISCO Just days after California voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure to outlaw bilingual education, civil rights groups have filed suit to challenge the new law and school districts are finding ways around it.July 12, 2007Faculty & StaffProfessors want affirmative action back – University of California at Berkeley facultyBerkeley, Calif. A group of University of California-Berkeley faculty members — alarmed about plunging admissions of African Americans, Native Americans, and Latinos in the aftermath of California’s Proposition 209 — are the latest group to urge passage of a new, student-authored measure called the Equal Educational Opportunity Initiative (EEOI).July 12, 2007StudentsUniversity of California aims to raise transfer rates by 38 percentSan Francisco This state, which boasts the nation’s largest two-year college system and one of the best community college student transfer rates, thinks it can do even better.July 11, 2007HomeThumbs down on the SAT – scholastic assessment testSAN FRANCISCO Echoing the recommendation of a Latino task force that the SAT requirement for admission to the University of California (UC) be dropped, several speakers at the fifty-third National Association for College Admission Counseling conference declared their opposition to standardized test requirements for college admission.July 11, 2007Page 1 of 1