Dr. Wayne A. JonesStudentsPerspectives: It’s About Common Sense and DecencyThe events leading to Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi’s death speaks to a continuing myopia and homophobia, a decline of decency and a lack of critical-thinking skills among some college students.October 3, 2010HomePerspectives: The Brown DecisionAlthough Chris Brown’s domestic violence case has come to a close, domestic violence will continue to be a problem in all areas of our society, including academia. It occurs on our college and university campuses. It occurs in our neighborhoods, without our knowledge among colleagues, family members, and friends.June 23, 2009StudentsPerspectives: Racial Identity Confuses the Issue of EntitlementsIn the Nov. 27, 2008 edition of Diverse, Dr. Betty Jeanne Taylor recounts in the “Lastword” a friendly dialogue with a Black student worker in the library at her institution.January 27, 2009Page 1 of 1