CAROLANE WILLIAMSCommunity CollegesCOMMUNITY COLLEGE FORUM: Mission Accepted: Opening Laboratory Doors to Urban Minority CommunitiesThe Baltimore City Community College Life Sciences Institute helps place minority students and displaced workers into high-demand bioscience careers.September 2, 2009Community CollegesMission Accepted: Opening Laboratory Doors to Urban Minority CommunitiesBio is big in Maryland — and getting bigger. Ours is one of eight states that together account for more than 60 percent of biomedical research spending by the National Institutes of Health and nearly 65 percent of all biotechnology patents, according to the Maryland Governor’s Workforce Investment Board. And since occupations related to life sciences and health are projected to grow by more than 20 percent over the next several years statewide, it’s a fi eld that promises some of the future’s most sought-after employment opportunities.September 2, 2009Page 1 of 1