Joyce JonesAfrican-AmericanNew Models in Research, Publishing Among Topics Explored During African Studies MeetingAt annual meeting, experts discussed the challenges and promises related to creating useful archives of work and models of research and publishing in African studies.November 20, 2011African-AmericanRev. Jesse Jackson Honored at Georgetown UniversityActivists, scholars and supporters who paid tribute to the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. Monday applauded the idea that the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act and Jackson’s run for the presidency in 1984 paved the way for President Barack Obama’s historic candidacies in 2004 and 2008.November 7, 2011StudentsGainful Employment Gets Another Look on Capitol HillFew solutions are offered and some argue there are bigger problems to tackle.March 20, 2011StudentsU.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx: Limit Federal Role in Higher EducationHouse subcommittee chair plans to address oversight and regulatory issues in federal higher education spending.March 8, 2011HomeOchoa Hails Catalytic Impact of TRIO Programs on K-12 LevelThe assistant secretary for postsecondary education highlighted the White House’s FY2012 budget, which includes $920 million for federal TRIO programs that represents a $67 million increase.March 7, 2011LatinxEd Secretary Duncan Defends $2B Increase in 2012 Education BudgetThe higher education portion of the Obama FY2012 request includes a $67 million increase for TRIO programs for a total of $920 million; summer Pell grants would be cut.March 1, 2011African-AmericanArne Duncan Says Education is Key to Improving Economic ConditionsThe education secretary pointed to the 41 states that have raised their K-12 standards as success stories that will benefit children from underserved communities.February 28, 2011Community CollegesCreative Partnerships Among Business, Colleges and Universities Key to Competing in Global EconomyEmployers and educators should align research and development goals, U.S. labor official says.February 27, 2011StudentsHouse Republicans Slash $61B in Continuing ResolutionAn amendment barring the Department of Education’s proposed gainful employment regulation passed by a vote of 289-136.February 19, 2011Community CollegesRegaining the Edge in American Higher EducationCan American higher education regain its edge? A group of advocates, policymakers and scholars attempted to answer this question Tuesday during a Washington think tank policy forum.February 15, 2011Page 1 of 7Next Page