Chris Tomlinson, Associated PressHomeTexas Students Cancel ‘Catch an Illegal Immigrant Game’; Fear RetaliationMembers of the Young Conservatives of Texas canceled their “Catch an Illegal Immigrant Game,” saying they feared retaliation by campus officials and counter-protests that could endanger their volunteers.November 19, 2013HomeConservative Students to Stage ‘Immigrant Game’AUSTIN, Texas ― The Young Conservatives of Texas announced Monday they will play a “Catch an Illegal Immigrant Game” this week on the University of Texas at Austin, drawing condemnation from Democrats and a threat of expulsion from campus officials.November 18, 2013HomeUT Discrimination Lawsuit Stirs Up Important QuestionsArguments resume in The University of Texas at Austin lawsuit as the 5th Circuit panel of judges review the case for a second time.November 17, 2013HomeTexas Senate Considers Changes to School TestingTexas senators started a debate Tuesday that will likely last for weeks as lawmakers try to decide how many standardized tests students must take to graduate from high school.March 12, 2013HomePoorer Texas Kids Lead to Higher Education CostsTexas’ high child poverty rate is beginning to make demands on the state’s budget, and experts warn the state needs to spend more on education or the state’s economy could slow.January 27, 2013LatinxRace and Income Influence Who Votes in TexasAUSTIN Texas — More than 17 percent of the people who register to vote never make it to the ballot box, and according to new research, these people tend to be poor or uneducated. Research also suggests, however, that more of these people would vote if officials made it more convenient. The most basic duty […]October 15, 2012Page 1 of 1