Feb. 1-4
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
2009 Annual Meeting
Hyatt Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C.
Web: www.naicu.edu
Feb. 5-7
Research Association of Minority Professors
28th Annual Conference “Education & Healthcare: Approaches To Bridge The Gap In Disparities For Minority Populations”
Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa
Montgomery, Ala.
Contact: Dr. Rondell E. Bailey
Phone: (713) 873-2917
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.researchprofessors.org
Feb. 7-10
American Council on Education
91st Annual Meeting Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, D.C.
Web: www.acenet.edu
Feb. 9-14
National Association of African American Studies
National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies
National Association of Native American Studies
International Association of Asian Studies
National Conference
Baton Rouge Marriott
Baton Rouge, La.
Web: www.naaas.org
Feb. 12-14
Southern Conference on African American Studies “Heroic Acts, Heroines and Heroes Throughout the Diaspora”
Charlotte, N.C.
Web: www.scaasi.org
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