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Harper to Feature in September Tuesdays Together National Speaker Series

Dr Shaun HarperDr Shaun HarperRacial equity expert Dr. Shaun R. Harper will be a featured speaker during September’s Tuesdays Together National Speaker Series conversation hosted by the North Carolina Central University School of Education's Higher Education Administration Graduate Program.

Harper is a provost professor in the University of Southern California (USC) Rossier School of Education and the USC Marshall School of Business. He is also the Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leadership and founder and executive director of the USC Race and Equity Center.

Harper holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Albany State University and a master’s and Ph.D. in higher education administration from Indiana University. His research focuses on race, gender, and other dimensions of equity in an array of organizational contexts, including K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and corporations.

The conversation is a collaboration between its co-sponsor, the Dr. Melvin C. Terrell Educational Foundation, Inc., and the Higher Education Administration Graduate Program. It is set to broadcast via Zoom Tuesday, Sept. 10, from 12 p.m. until 1 p.m. EST.  Meeting ID: 896 5812 7845 Passcode: HarperUSC1. The program’s director, Dr. Tryan L. McMickens, an associate professor of higher education at North Carolina Central, will moderate the conversation.

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