NCNW, Testing Group Team Up On Achievement Gap Initiative
The National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), in association with the U.S. Department of Education, has selected The Princeton Review to provide Internet software and professional development to help K-12 students improve their scores on state tests. The partnership for Academic Achievement, announced recently by U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Roderick Paige, has been formed between the Education Department and NCNW to help close the achievement gap for African American children.
Under the agreement between NCNW and The Princeton Review, The Princeton Review will provide, an online assessment and diagnostic tool, as well as training for teachers, parents and NCNW team members. NCNW mentors will use to analyze student performance so they can provide each student with targeted remediation. The Princeton Review will provide comprehensive in-school professional development sessions to teachers and NCNW teams to ensure effective use of functionality and close collaboration between the classroom teachers and the NCNW mentors.
The Princeton Review is one of the nation’s leading test preparation companies and helps students and schools handle standardized tests and admissions to college and graduate school. Founded in 1981, The Princeton Review offers classroom and online test preparation courses, private tutoring and operates educational Web sites.
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