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Proving One’s Race

It’s a shame that in the 21st century Native people are still the only race of people that have to prove who they are (see “Ethnic Fraud?” Jan. 25). I am what is called a Black Indian. It simply means that I am of African and Native American blood. No one questions my Black roots, and I’m sometimes called Dominican, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, etc. The sad thing is, most people have no idea what a Native American looks like. “Hollyweird” has people believing they look one way, to where Disney took the likeness of three different women to come up with their Pocahontas character.

Beth Anna MoonRay Ferguson
New York
Jazeast Dance Enterprise/NorthEastern Native American Association

In the “Ethnic Fraud” article, it reads “Dr. Noley concludes that it’s a practical impossibility for universities to formally intervene in cases of ethnic fraud because it might be viewed as intolerance, a perception that institutions can ill afford to bear.” So, ethnic fraud is to be tolerated? What ever happened to teaching moral and ethical behavior to our students? And why would a college or university tolerate ethnic fraud? Fraud, ethnic or otherwise, is wrong.

— Sandra Carlson
Stratham, N.H.

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