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A Parade of Women

One of the highlights of Women’s History Month this March will be various commemorations of one of the most famous civil-rights demonstrations of all time, the Woman Suffrage Parade of 1913 when an estimated 8,000 people marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., on March 3. Organized by the suffragist Alice Paul for the National American Woman Suffrage Association, the parade took place on the day before the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson to draw attention to the exclusion of women from voting.

Rowdy crowds met the marchers, and the battle had barely begun. It would be seven more years before the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, prohibiting any citizen from being denied the right to vote based on sex.

Women’s History Month reminds us of how far women’s rights have advanced and of women’s contributions to our country, as the struggle for gender equity continues around the globe. Many of the books about women, past, present and future available at document those struggles.

This year’s theme for Women’s History Month 2013 is Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination:  Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Here are some selections from that relate to the theme:


Academic Mothers, by Venitha Pillay, $26.35 (List Price: $31), Trentham Books, September 2007, ISBN 9781858564173, pp. 206.

Dr Venitha Pillay, a senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria, explores the lives of three white South African women in their struggle to combine motherhood with their academic careers. She challenges notions that relegate women to the realm of emotion and nurturance, while reserving the life of the intellect for men, and examines how women in academia straddle both worlds. See Review from

Cinderella or Cyberella? Empowering Women in the Knowledge Society by Nancy Hafkin and Sophia Huyer, $22.46 (List Price: $24.95.), Kumarian Press, July 2006, ISBN:  9781565492196, pp. 288.

Will the woman of the future be knowledgeable about the uses of technology and educated about its applications? Or will she be left behind while her peers go off to meet the challenges of the global marketplaces? Two leading scholars on gender and information technology present a selection of essays exploring the implications of these questions from a global perspective.

Gender and Technology, by Caroline Sweetman, $13.06, (List Price $14.51), Oxfam Publishing, November 1999, ISBN: 9780855984229, pp. 88.

A collection of articles examines how the introduction of new technologies affects the lives of women and their communities in developing countries. Technologies that facilitate communication, reduce or aid women’s labor and help women control their fertility offer hope of advancement, but can also reinforce existing inequities.

Gender and ICTs for Development, by Minke Valk, Sarah Cummings, Henk van Dam and Helen Hambly Odame, $24.44 (List price: $27.15), Oxfam Publishing with KIT Publishers. December 2005, ISBN: 9780855985653, pp. 144.

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) hold great promise for radically changing the lives of women, their families, communities and nations,  and women of varying circumstances all over the world are catching on to that.

This book, the seventh of these Global Sourcebooks, brings together case studies about how women in developing countries have been able to harness information and communication technologies to improve their lives. The case studies cover e-commerce in Bhutan,  entrepreneurship in China,  communications strategies in Sierra Leone, sustainable fisheries in Ghana; and  information exchange about HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean.


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