No Child Left Behind Has Potential For Teacher Improvement
No Child Left Behind, the federal education reform act implemented two years ago, warrants broader support among universities for its push to strengthen teacher quality, according to a position paper by The Renaissance Group.
The Renaissance Group (TRG), located at Emporia State University in Kansas, is a consortium of 35 universities that share a commitment to preparing educational professionals. One in every 10 new teachers in America was educated on a TRG campus.
“In essence, Renaissance Group members support much of what is found in federal legislation calling for reform and look forward with optimism toward continued improvements, not with pessimism or reluctance,” the report states.
The December 2003 report was authored by Dr. Jack Miller, chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and president of the TRG board of directors. Miller noted that the legislation is under intense criticism over what are considered overzealous federal controls, unrealistic goals and unfunded mandates. The election-year debate is heating up over the future of the legislation.
Beyond the controversy, however, Miller said the legislation does hold promise when it comes to improving the ability and qualifications of classroom teachers.
Teacher educators, who by and large have been critical of the legislation, do themselves no favors by stubbornly defending the status quo, Miller said. “It is clear that teacher development efforts have not been adequate to meet the ever-rising demands of all the children of our country, particularly those in greatest need,” he said.
One controversial aspect of No Child Left Behind has been its expanded definition of a “highly qualified teacher,” which includes a teaching credential, a bachelor’s degree and a major or demonstrated competency in any subject taught. The legislation encourages more alternative programs and multiple curricula.
That competition should be welcomed, Miller said, especially in light of teacher shortages nationally, as long as all programs are held to high standards.
“Some teacher-preparation programs are set on a certain methodology and sequence of courses that their proponents are not willing to look flexibly at people who come from different backgrounds,” the report states. “This is particularly vexing when the point of view is based more on defending curricular turf than on demonstrated effectiveness.”
Miller said that quality programs have nothing to fear in the legislation, provided that performance assessments are based on sound scientific research and reflect the complexity of institutional goals.
Two decades ago, the landmark A Nation at Risk federal legislation pushed programs to provide more liberal arts and science content, required test scores for program admission and upped admission requirements. The new legislation may produce new benchmarks for improving quality teaching in America’s classrooms.
This is the first in what will be a series of position papers by The Renaissance Group on issues of national importance in teacher preparation, according to Dr. Leo Pauls, executive director of the group. For a complete copy of the paper, visit TRG’s Web site at:
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