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Texas A&M Chancellor Review Held in Private, Records Not Made Public

John Sharp, chancellor of the Texas A&M University system, reportedly has had only one evaluation since 2011.John Sharp, chancellor of the Texas A&M University system, reportedly has had only one evaluation since 2011.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas—The Texas A&M University System chancellor’s annual review takes place behind closed doors and without written records made available to the public, according to a newspaper report.

The Eagle newspaper in Bryan-College Station reported that John Sharp has received one evaluation since becoming the leader of the A&M system in 2011. Sharp met with 10 A&M regents in private. But the university system did not release any paperwork in response to an open records request by the newspaper.

Officials at all six of Texas’ university systems said their chancellors are reviewed each year in closed meetings.

Sharp and Phil Adams, chairman of the board of regents, said in a statement that the “verbal process employed is working well.” They declined to be interviewed.

R.D. Burck, who was chancellor of the University of Texas system from 2000 to 2002, said system leaders receive constant, year-round feedback not just from regents, but from students, staff and alumni.

“I think involving a public evaluation of chancellor would be much too cumbersome,” Burck said. “I think the public scrutinizes the chancellor enough, and the board of regents and the chancellor know what the constituents are saying.”

Marc Cutright, a University of North Texas associate professor of higher education, said private evaluations allow regents to address issues with the chancellor in confidence and without causing a public firestorm.

Kimberly Elsbach, a University of California-Davis associate professor of management, also said private evaluations of chancellors allowed regents to be frank in their impressions, but could lead to people misunderstanding the process.

“I think that, while they’re getting state funds, there’s an expectation that the public gets to evaluate,” she added.

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