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Putting Emory Chalk Talk in Perspective

While Brussels was picking up the pieces and the world was left once again contemplating how to deal with terror, I can understand why some of you may not have had your Spring Break interrupted by the concerns of about 50 Emory University student protestors.

The students felt terrorized by a number of chalk graffiti markings that indicate a preference for the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump.

You know, he’s the guy who wants to build a wall, ban Muslims, and use waterboarding on terrorists.

Students, many of them, people of color, feel uncomfortable with his message.

Of, course, after Brussels, it was Sen. Ted Cruz who advocated vigilante-style patrols of known Muslim neighborhoods.

They should fear Cruz, too.

But I’m not here to criticize the students for being crybabies, as some media accounts have. The coverage I’ve seen has been to make fun of the students, as if to say, “Grow up, it’s just chalk.”

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