Postgraduate education leaders from 14 countries released recommendations to strengthen graduate education mentorship at the 2022 Strategic Leaders Global Summit.
The summit – co-hosted by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) and financially supported by ETS – took place Nov. 6-8, 2022, at The American University in Cairo (AUC), with the focus being to find strategies and resources to better support master’s and doctoral students mentorship.
The produced recommendations, Statement of Principles and Practical Actions, includes key principles and possible actions for improving postgraduate mentorship. Summit participants also compiled effective mentorship resources.
“Ensuring graduate students are prepared to be innovative problem-solvers and direct objective, original, and ethically-sound research are at the core of good mentorship and supervision,” said Dr. Suzanne T. Ortega, president of CGS. “The actions we outlined can help support the roles of all groups involved and help our members implement practices that improve outcomes for graduate students.”
This year’s summit will take place Oct. 22-24 in Melbourne, Australia, and will be about internationalization.