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Advocates Blast California Governor Over Veto to Provide Campus Jobs to Undocumented Students

A bill that would have directed the University of California, California State University and state community colleges to hire undocumented students for campus jobs was vetoed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom. Gov. Gavin NewsomGov. Gavin Newsom

Newsom said he vetoed Assembly Bill 2586 on Sunday because of legal risks to state employees who could be deemed in violation of federal laws against hiring undocumented people.

 Public advocates said that they were deeply disappointed by the Governor’s veto, which they say would have provided students equal access to campus job opportunities—regardless of documentation status— at the state public institutions.

“This bill would have also established vital connections to career opportunities for thousands of undocumented students across California in support of the state’s growing workforce demands,” said leaders of The California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition—which is comprised of education, civil rights, student, community-based, and business partners. “With more undocumented students forced to question their place in college amid financial barriers and a looming presidential election, now more than ever, the state must keep the promise of a college degree as a door to economic opportunity and prosperity. We remain committed to ensuring California leads the way in providing equal opportunity for all students across the state.”


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