Dr. Linda Logan
Vice President and Dean of Student Life
“At Olivet College, we are intentional about the work that we do in diversity, inclusion and cultural competence, and as a team we are honored to be recognized for these efforts. Olivet College has been rooted in social justice since its founding, and today we continue to build on this great legacy through our mission of individual and social responsibility while treating people with respect and dignity. The Olivet College Office of Student Life remains committed to providing the leadership, training and expertise to keep diversity and inclusion at the forefront for our community. The professional student life staff, including student employees, is required to participate in diversity and inclusion related training and conferences annually. For example, this past year the entire department participated in a microaggression training. We are thankful and feel fortunate to have strong support from the President’s and Provost’s offices which aid our efforts. Again, this is a great honor and validates the work we do each day.”