advantage now of Black Friday and Cyber Monday pricing for single job postings on Diversejobs.net
- Get 50% off all print recruitment ads in the December 15, 2016, December 29, 2016, and January 12, 2017 editions.
- Click here to place your insertion or call 703-385-2400 to speak with a representative to assist with your insertion.
- This promotion is only valid for recruitment advertisements. The 50% discount is Net rate and cannot be combined with any other discounts or current contract agreements.
- All print insertions for any of the 3 editions must be placed by close of
business November 30 in order to redeem the 50% discount.
- Get 50% off the single posting rate* for 30, 60 or 90 day postings. You can post now or purchase tokens (expire one year after purchase) for later.
Log in now and to take advantage of the discount enter the promo code BFCM2016.
This offer expires November 30, 2016.
This promotional rate is a net rate and can not be combined with any other discounts and is only valid on single posting offerings.