In this podcast interview, your host Dr. Jamal Watson is joined by Drs. Curtis Byrd and Rihana S. Mason to talk about innovative ways to diversify the professoriate. Tune in to discover what some of the best practices are as they look at numerous initiatives that have been rolled out over the years. They also talk about their recent book project, Academic Pipeline Programs: Diversifying Pathways from the Bachelor's to the Professoriate, how it came to fruition, and their upcoming webinar airing on Sept. 16 featuring Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
- About the book project, Academic Pipeline Programs
- Using the Thrive Index for program assessment and development
- Best practices in diversifying the academic pipeline
- Commonalities found in our academic pipeline initiatives
- What to expect in the upcoming webinar
- Biggest takeaways from the Academic Pipeline Programs book
“It's hard to be what you can't see. And so I think that really sums up the fact that we've given a bird's eye view for individuals that didn't know that these programs existed and given information in such a way that you don't have to reinvent the wheel if you are trying to create these programs.”
Academic Pipeline Programs
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In The Margins is produced by Diverse: Issues In Higher Education and edited by Instapodcasts (visit at