Olivia Majesky-PullmannStudentsJust the Stats: Capitalizing Higher Education in the Global MarketAlthough U.S. graduate schools admitted eight percent more international students this fall, that growth rate is considerably lower than 2006’s 12 percent increase, according to a new report from the Council of Graduates Schools.September 6, 2007HomeJust the Stats: How Minorities Fared on the 2007 SATThe most diverse group of test-takers in the history of the exam sat for the SAT in 2007, with 39 percent, or four out of 10 test-takers, classified as minority.August 27, 2007LatinxJust the Stats: The Top Hispanic-serving Degree ProducersEach year, when we publish our list of Top 100 undergraduate degree producers, we get calls from Hispanic-serving institutions asking why they didn’t make the list. The answer may surprise you.August 15, 2007LatinxJust the Stats: How to Increase Minority Presence in STEM Fields at Your InstitutionA few weeks ago, I started to look at the programs that work to boost minority participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, specifically Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. The Model Institutions for Excellence (MIE) is another successful program that focuses on helping STEM students by providing long-term institutional funding to Hispanic-serving institutions, historically Black colleges and universities, and tribal colleges and universities. The National Science Foundation provides funding for both programs.July 18, 2007HomeJust the Stats: Top 100 Popular Disciplines By Race, GenderAs encouraging as the numbers of minorities earning advanced degrees may have been, gender differences across racial lines continue to persist at the master’s and doctoral levels.July 12, 2007StudentsJust the Stats: How Effective Are STEM Pipeline Programs?Bridging the racial gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, the so-called STEM fields, has become a priority for two organizations: the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation and the Model Institutions for Excellence.June 20, 2007HomeJust the Stats: Certification or Degree — What Makes the Most Cents?The Bureau of Labor and Statistics projects that computer and mathematical science-related jobs will grow by 31 percent, to 967,000 jobs, by 2014. Clearly, computer science is a promising field of study for those basing their decisions on employment prospects. But does it make more “cents” to get a degree or a certification?June 14, 2007InternationalTop 100 Undergraduate Degree ProducersWho were Alexander Lucius Twilight and Mary Jane Patterson? If you know, you are an excellent candidate for the “Jeopardy” category, “African-American firsts.”May 30, 2007StudentsJust the Stats: Can High School Counselors Prevent Drop-Outs?A new report by the National Center for Education Statistics suggests a strong relationship between the number of credit hours a high-school student earns as a freshman and their likelihood to drop out. With this information, could school administrators identify potential dropouts early enough to intervene?April 30, 2007HomeJust the Stats: Socioeconomic Gaps Persist For StudentsCollege freshmen today are more affluent than at any point over the past 35 years, but they say they not very concerned about race relations and are not as prepared for college as they’d like to be, according to a recent report from the University of California, Los Angeles titled “American Freshmen: Forty-Year Trends, 1966-2006.”April 19, 2007Previous PagePage 3 of 5Next Page