Eugenia MirandaNative AmericansShideezhi Program Emerging as Pipeline Program for American Indian GirlsThis year, Shideezhi, which means “my little sister” in Navajo, celebrated its first graduating high school class.November 26, 2013StudentsExperts Take a Closer Look at How to Bolster Arts EducationSome students have indicated that a combination of interactive learning and traditional-style lessons was most effective in subject-specific courses.April 25, 2013Community CollegesHow One Community College Gave Displaced Factory Workers the Confidence to EnrollPROBLEM A few years ago, hundreds of displaced factory workers in southern Iowa were looking for training to reintegrate into the workforce when the Exide Battery Corp., closed shop in the area and they were laid off. ACTION Community leaders, administrators from Southeastern Community College in Burlington, Iowa, and displaced workers gathered to come up […]February 19, 2008Page 1 of 1