Nicholas D. HartlepOpinionCultural Biases Persist in National Licensure Exam for TeachersWeighing a pig won’t make it fatter, and racist exams will not increase the number of teachers of color and American Indian teachers in the nation’s classrooms.February 27, 2018Faculty & StaffA Model Minority? A National Look at Asian-Americans and Endowed Professors of EducationWhat would a critical look at endowed professors in colleges of education reveal?May 20, 2014HealthStress, Test-Avoidance, and Unmet Needs: Lessons Learned from Eldo Kim and the Model Minority StereotypeResearch has found that, although the idea of being a model minority seems like a positive perception of Asian Americans and their community, this designation has negative effects.December 19, 2013OpinionPolicy Suggestions for Combating the Asian American Model Minority StereotypeThis column is the last of a three-part series on Asian Americans in higher education. The previous installments examine 50 years of research on the model minority and why the stereotype is divisive to all communities of color.May 8, 2013Page 1 of 1