Daniel JeanAfrican-American“What Do You Call a Black Man with a Ph.D.?”Malcolm X once famously asked, “What do you call a Black man with a PhD?” Years before I earned my doctorate, my mother and father migrated from Haiti in search of the American dream and running water. Today, I have chosen to raise my family in the States and in some ways, fulfilled the vision of my God-fearing parents.August 10, 2020OpinionDear Class of 2020, Five Messages to Frame Your Future (E-Commencement Speech)The world we assumed would welcome graduates with open arms has changed in ways we could have never imagined or adequately prepared for.April 21, 2020StudentsDear Educators/Administrators: EVERY Student is a ScholarI am urging my fellow academicians from this day forth to address all learners in your classrooms, institutions, churches, non-profit organizations, mentor programs in Pre-K-12, undergraduate and graduate studies as “scholars”.October 30, 2018OpinionGetting ‘PhinisheD’ or ‘FinishEdD’: Strategies for Future DoctorsThe pursuit of a doctoral degree often is an arduous journey with challenges that may include but are not limited to financial limitations, imposter syndrome, standardized test-taking bias or anxiety, academic hazing and various forms of discrimination. Nevertheless, the tam and tassel are worth the hassle,July 20, 2018Page 1 of 1