Nara Roberta SilvaOpinionDistance Learning and Cultural CapitalChicago, Los Angeles, and New York City—the largest school districts in the country—have announced plans for remote instruction and modified schedules in the fall. Despite acknowledging that, in some places, the measure is necessary to tame coronavirus transmissions, UN Secretary-General António Guterres sounded an alarm to the “generational catastrophe” caused by ongoing school closure. While the negative impact of online classes on school-age children has been largely discussed, much of the higher education community has not fully yet considered the detriments of distance learning to college students.September 3, 2020InternationalMaking Global Conversation More Inclusive by Considering our Different Academic CulturesInternationalization has been one of the main drivers in higher education in the last decade and it relates to several aspects of our academic institutions and professional activities. To some institutions, internationalization has been translated into an effective strategy to boost revenue by attracting students from other countries; it has also meant the increasing importance of study-abroad initiatives in association with partner organizations.April 19, 2019Page 1 of 1