Brittany LadsonOpinionThe Betty Bubble: A Week at the Hazelden Betty Ford Addiction Treatment CenterHazelden Betty Ford is the nation’s largest nonprofit addiction treatment center and their goal is to address substance misuse utilizing the bio-psycho-social model of care and 12 step programs.September 23, 2022HealthUp in Smoke: The Vaping EpidemicThe importance of lung health is more significant this year than ever before. The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and flu season is enough to convince anyone to take an extra dose of vitamin C. However, one widely neglected component of lung health is the impact of vaping. Teens and young adults may be wearing masks and social distancing, but when they choose to use e-cigarettes, Juuls, or other vaping devices, they put their lung health at risk.June 1, 2021COVID-19Why You Should Post Your COVID Vaccine on Social Media“If you don’t post your COVID vaccine on social media, do you even form antibodies?” was my comical Instagram caption I posted after I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan. As a current 3rd year medical student at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, nothing elated me more than finally seeing a tangible piece of hope at the end of a very hard year of death, grief, and exhaustion. The anticipation of fellow healthcare providers in the vaccination line was greater than the joy a family experiences on Christmas morning. One by one, we filed into the hospital auditorium and one by one, we entered a new chapter of the coronavirus pandemic.January 14, 2021Page 1 of 1