Bowie State University (Md.) has been awarded a $65,000 grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. The grant will be administered by the university’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Prevention Center to fund “Spread the Word Not the Virus,” an HIV/AIDS awareness program. BSU hopes to reach 1,000 students through the program.
Calhoun Community College (Ala.) has been awarded a grant of nearly $2.5 million from the U.S. Department of Labor to fund the Alternate Health Education Asynchronous Delivery project, which will improve and expand training programs targeting careers in nursing, surgical technology, radiography and clinical laboratory technology.
Creighton University (Neb.) School of Law has received a two-year, $750,000 grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development to create a model to establish a bi-lateral U.S.-Cuba property claims tribunal. The model is expected to help both countries work together to ease Cuba’s transition to democracy in a post-Castro environment.
The family of Preston Robert Tisch has donated $10 million to Duke University (N.C.) Medical Center’s Brain Tumor Center and the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center. Tisch, chairman of Loews Corp. and co-owner of the New York Giants NFL franchise, was a patient at the center before dying of inoperable brain cancer. Five million will be used for research on cancer-fighting drugs. The other half will be used to create a fund for neuro-oncology research and to hire new faculty members.
George Mason University (Va.) has received a $10 million gift from Ernst Volgenau and his wife, Sara, to support the college’s School of Information Technology and Engineering. The gift will be used to create a new bioengineering department and hire new professors. GMU is renaming the school for the couple.
The Metropolitan College of New York has received a $75,000 grant from the George I. Alden Trust to fund five “smart” classrooms. The rooms, in the college’s business school, will be equipped with state-of-the-art Internet and multimedia technology.
Oklahoma State University received a $14.8 million gift from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation to fund an expansion of the university’s school of architecture. The gift is the largest the university has ever received from a private foundation and ranks among the top five largest single donations in the history of OSU.
Regent University (Va.) has received a $1 million grant from the Living Stones Foundation Charitable Trust to launch the Regent University Center for Entrepreneurship. The center’s mission is to improve the economic and spiritual conditions of disadvantaged people around the world. The center plans to participate in projects in Kenya, Nepal, Rwanda, Ukraine and Zambia.
Rockingham Community College (N.C.) has received a $3 million grant from the McMichael Family Foundation to help establish a civic center on its campus. The grant is the largest ever received by an organization in Rockingham County. The center will be named the McMichael Civic Center.
The Tom Joyner Foundation has received a $50,000 donation from the Jack and Jill of America Foundation to aid historically Black college and university students displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The foundation will use the donation to provide $1,000 grants for students. Budget Rent A Car System Inc. also pledged $10,000 to the foundation.
The University of Denver has received $3 million from the Conrad H. Hilton Foundation to endow a chair in the hotel, restaurant and tourism management program.
The University of North Texas philosophy department has received a $50,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study the ethics
and values aspects of Hurricane Katrina. The department will use the funds to run a research workshop in March. The ultimate goal is to encourage policy makers and communities to incorporate ideas from various disciplines, so future natural disasters can be mitigated.
Winston-Salem State University (N.C.) received a $65,000 grant from McFarland & Associates to develop the Healthy Choices create Empowered Changes (HCcEC) Program. The initiative, which will run from Jan. 1, 2006, to Aug. 31, 2006, will provide HIV/AIDS and substance abuse prevention education to female students at the university.
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