Grants & Awards
The College Fund/UNCF has received $96,415 from the estate of James W. Norwood, a retired assistant curator with the Smithsonian Institution. The gift will provide scholarships for students to attend UNCF member institutions.
CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY’s School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions has received a $1 million grant from the Institute for the Advancement of Community Pharmacy to develop an online degree program. The grant is part of $4.7 million being awarded over five years to 21 pharmacy schools.
Hampton University School of Nursing received a $100,000 grant from the Kellogg Foundation and a $60,000 grant from the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Both awards will be used to expand the doctoral program in nursing to include a distance education degree option.
Howard University College of Pharmacy, Nursing and Allied Health Sciences has received two federal grants totaling $3.2 million. The grants will support a Center of Excellence program and a research laboratory renovation project in the School of Pharmacy. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Health Resources and Service Administration has designated $2.2 million over three years to develop a Center of Excellence Program to increase African American, Hispanic and American Indian student enrollment in the college.
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