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Xavier Sends 73 Black Students to Medical School

Xavier Sends 73 Black Students to Medical School

New Orleans
For the eighth consecutive year, Xavier University in New Orleans sent more Black students to medical school in 2000 than any other American college.
Seventy-three Xavier graduates started medical training last year — more than twice the total from Morehouse College, which ranked second with 31 new alumni training to be physicians, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.
Then came Howard University, Spelman College, John Hopkins University, Hampton University, Oakwood College, the University of Maryland-College Park and the University of California-Los Angeles.
The only trend seems to be that requirements for admission seem to be getting more intense, says Xavier spokeswoman Terri Burton.
Although longtime pre-med adviser J.W. Carmichael said he enjoyed continuing his streak, he’s already working with students who, he hopes, will enter medical schools this fall.

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