Grants & Awards
Allegheny College in Mead
ville, Pa., received $22.2 million from alumnus Dr. Robert A. Vukovich to help develop and build a new theater and arts complex.
The American Indian Col
lege Fund received a $25,000 grant from Morgan Stanley Dean Witter to help the fund’s efforts in assisting tribal institutions and their 26,000 American Indian students nationwide.
The South Metropolitan Reg-
ional Leadership Center at Governors State University in University Park, Ill., received a $20,000 state grant to develop a criminal information database.
The University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff received a $62,998 grant from the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to support the university’s project “Teacher Quality (Grow Your Own Teachers).”
Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis., received a $1 million endowment from the Scripps Howard Foundation to establish a professorship and media ethics program in the name of E.W. Scripps Co. and its chairman, William R. Burleigh.
The University of Maryland-College Park received $10 million from Philip Merrill, publisher and owner of The Capital daily newspaper in Annapolis, Md., and the Washingtonian magazine. In recognition of the gift, the university’s journalism school will be renamed the Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
The University of Pennsylvania received $20 million from Say Yes to Education Inc., a group founded by alumnus George A. Weiss. The grant will be used in the areas of student life, faculty support and financial aid.
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