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Professional Appointments

Professional Appointments

Linda J. Collier has been named dean of public services and social sciences at Delaware County Community College in Pennsylvania. Most recently, Collier was a special assistant for legal affairs to the presidents at Cheyney and Lincoln universities. Collier earned a bachelor’s from Howard University, a master’s from St. Joseph’s University and a doctorate from Northern Illinois University.

Dr. Zia Hasan has been appointed vice president for planning, assessment and information services at Claflin University in South Carolina. Hasan was assistant vice president for academic affairs and director for institutional research and planning assessment at Claflin. Hasan earned a bachelor’s from Dhaka University in Bangladesh, a master’s from Indiana University and a doctorate from Oklahoma State University.
ARthur Johnson is the new executive director of major gifts at Xavier University in New Orleans. Johnson joins the development staff from Tulane University in New Orleans where he was the director of corporate and foundation relations. Johnson earned a bachelor’s from George Washington University and a master’s from the University of the District of Columbia.
Dr. Earl Richardson, president of Morgan State University in Baltimore, has been appointed to the board of directors of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. He will serve a three-year term. Richardson earned a bachelor’s in social science from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and master’s and doctorate degrees in education from the University of Pennsylvania.

Bryant Smith has been named director of multicultural affairs and international student services at Millikin University in Illinois. Smith was assistant dean of students and director of multicultural affairs at Lander University in South Carolina. Smith earned a bachelor’s in mass communication with a broadcasting emphasis and master’s in organizational communication both from Illinois State University.

Dr. Jon A. Yasin, professor at Bergen Community College in New Jersey, was one of only 10 colleagues from across the globe chosen to attend the symposium “Writing and Dialects of English” at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Yasin earned a bachelor’s from California State University at Hayward, master’s degrees from Northeastern and Harvard universities, and doctorates from Columbia University and Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

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