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N.C. A&T Wins National Award for Distance Learning

N.C. A&T Wins National Award for Distance Learning
By Ronald Roach


Last month, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University’s Center for Distance Learning (CDL) became the first national winner of the American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC) 1890 Webb-Godfrey-Hill Award of Excellence in Distance Education.

The CDL will be honored for its work with a celebration and cash award during the 2003 American Distance Education Consortium Annual Meeting May 1-2 in San Antonio. At the upcoming meeting, the CDL team will attend numerous activities and give a presentation to the assembly during the awards luncheon.

“The award will provide a contemporary forum for disseminating new ideas and networking faculty to become advocates for infusing technology into instruction at the national and international levels,” says Gwendolyn A. Godard, associate director of online programs at North Carolina A&T.

The CDL is part of A&T’s Teaching and Learning with Technology Unit in the Division of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITT). Distance-learning students take courses strictly via the Internet, site-based instruction, interactive television or through other technology-based educational delivery systems.

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