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Association of American
Law Schools
2004 Annual Meeting
Web: www.aals.orgJan. 15-16
University Continuing Education Association (UCEA)
Workforce Development Forum 
“Forging Partnerships: Why Business,
Government & Higher Education
Must Work Together”
San Francisco
Web: Jan. 16-17
National African American Student Leadership Conference
“A Decade of Developing Afrikan-
Centered Student Leadership”
Rust College
Holly Springs, Miss.
Web: www.naaslc.orgJan. 21-24
Association of American
Colleges and Universities
Annual Meeting 2004
“Practicing Liberal Education:
Deepening Knowledge, Pursuing
Justice, Taking Action”
Washington, D.C.
Web: www.aacu.orgJan. 26-28
Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
2004 Annual Conference
Ritz-Carlton Marina del Rey, Calif.
www.chea.orgFEBRUARYFeb. 7-10
American Association of Colleges
For Teacher Education
2004 Annual Meeting
“Preparing Quality Professionals: Leading the Way”
Hilton Chicago
Web: www.aacte.orgFeb. 11-14
National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASAP)
50th Annual Conference
“Student Affairs Professionals:
Transcending All”
Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Contact: Minnie Austin
Phone: (334) 727-8837
Fax: (334) 724-4228
Feb. 12-14
12th Annual University Continuing Education Association (UCEA)
Marketing Seminar
“Action Marketing-Powerful Solutions! Proven Success!”
Savannah, Ga.
Web: Feb. 12-15
2004 HBCU Think Tank
A national conference on the role and future of historically Black colleges and universities
North Carolina Central University, Durham
Phone: (919) 530-6107Send submissions for the Black Issues calendar to:
Black Issues In Higher Education
10520 Warwick Ave., Ste. B-8, Fairfax, VA 22030
Fax: (703) 385-1839
E-mail: [email protected]

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