Feb. 12-15
American Council on Education (ACE)
87th Annual Meeting
“Public Good and Private Benefit: What Is the Future of Social Impact”
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
Web: www.acenet.edu
Feb. 16-19
Pennsylvania Black Conference
on Higher Education Inc.
35th Annual Conference
“Black Consciousness: Ambition and Achievement Through Higher Education”
Hilton Pittsburgh (Downtown)
Web: www.pbcohe.org
Feb. 18-19
Stillman College Best Practices:
Integration of Technology into
Instruction Conference
Third Annual Conference
Stillman College
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Web: www.stillman.edu
Feb. 24-25
The 8th Annual Equity and Diversity Pre-Conference and Conference
“Developing Others to Expand the Journey”
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas
Web: www.unt.edu/edo/diversity_ conference/2005.html
Feb. 24-27
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education
31st Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference
“Careers in Aging”
Renaissance Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City
Phone: (202) 289-9806
Fax: (202) 289-9824
Web: www.altrue.he.net/~aghe/site/aghewebsite/
March 5
Black Male Development Symposium
Second Annual
Arcadia University
Glenside, Pa.
Phone: (215) 572-4087
Web: www.blackmaledevelopment.com
March 17-19
National Conference on Leadership Diversity
“Unleashing the Power”
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Fla.
Web: www.diversity.ucf.edu
March 17-20
American Association for Higher
2005 National Conference
“Courage, Imagination, Action:
Rallying the Trendsetters in Higher Education”
Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel
Web: www.aahe.org
March 19-23
National Association of Student
Affairs Professionals
2005 Annual Conference
“Imagine & Explore the Future”
Tampa, Fla.
Phone: (202) 265-7500
Web: www.naspa.org
April 2-5
Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities (HACU)
2005 Capitol Forum
on Hispanic Higher Education
Madison Hotel
Web: www.hacu.net
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