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NASA Partners With Schools to Work

NASA Partners With Schools to Work
With International Space Station    

By Ronald Roach

Students and faculty at seven universities will soon benefit from collaborations their respective schools have worked out as NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Administration) partners working with the International Space Station. The agency awarded grants to the schools to work with the International Space Station Program at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston.

Through this partnership, faculty and students will be exposed to the station’s technical data and expertise, which can be used for classroom endeavors. In exchange, NASA will reap benefits from the studies conducted and assistance provided by those students and faculty.

“This partnership truly seeks to inspire the next generation of explorers as only NASA can,” says Dennis Stone, ISS Engineering Outreach Project Manager.

The seven universities selected for grants are: Georgia Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Montana State University, Purdue University, University of Alabama-Huntsville, University of Mississippi and University of Wyoming.

Completion of the station to enable research on long-term human life and work in space is a crucial step in returning humans to the Moon, journeying to Mars and beyond as outlined in “Vision for Space Exploration.” The station has had a crew 24 hours a day, seven days a week since 2000.

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