A member of the Iowa Board of Regents says a
report showing that Black undergraduates are more likely than other
minorities to leave the University of Iowa without a degree is cause
for concern.
“Student graduation rates are a concern to us,” regent Roger Lande
said. “Anytime there are gaps, we would like to close those.”
Figures from the Iowa Board of Regents show that 41.2 percent of
Black students in the 1992 freshmen class have graduated, while the
university-wide rate for the same year is 62.4 percent.
Minority groups combined have a 60 percent graduation rate over a six-year period, according to the report.
The report also said more Black students — 21.4 percent — left
the university in their first year in 1997 compared with other
minorities, including Indians, Asian-Pacific Islanders and Hispanic
students. The rate for those students was more than 12 percent while
the rate for White students was 15.6 percent.
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