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Diverse Conversations: Staying for the Long Haul

In higher education, things are constantly changing. This is especially true of college administrators, who rarely stay at the same institution for an extended period of time. However, James Mergiotti is the exception to the rule. Mergiotti has been in a leadership role at Peirce College in Philadelphia for more than 16 years and is currently the president of one of the oldest colleges in America. Previous to his employment with the school, Mergiotti also served as a trustee from 1988 to 1998. Recently, I sat down with him to discuss his long-standing commitment to Peirce.

Q: When did you realize that you wanted to be a college president?

A: My path to a college presidency was quite unusual. The first 23 years of my career were spent in the business world. The connection to higher education occurred during the last ten of those years when I served as a Peirce College trustee. A little more than 16 years ago, my predecessor as Peirce president, Art Lendo, hired me as an administrator.

Through my time as a trustee and administrator, I became immersed in Peirce’s mission and its entrepreneurial approach to higher education. Dr. Lendo recognized that and entrusted me with significant responsibilities as we pursued his vision of bringing the college to the student through on site and online delivery. When he decided to retire, I knew I wanted to succeed him as president and applied for the position. Thanks to his leadership, I was well prepared when the board of trustees selected me for the role after completing a national search.

Q: You’ve been working at Peirce College for 16 years and counting. What is it that has kept you there?

A: Peirce is a unique place. We serve adult students with an average age of 35 years young. Most are low income, first generation college students with significant personal, professional and community obligations. Once they earn a college degree, it changes their lives. Most importantly, it creates a multiplier effect whereby subsequent generations in their families also become college graduates.

We consistently hear from students and graduates anecdotally, and in formal surveys, how much they value the Peirce experience. The highly supportive, student-centered culture provides a learning environment conducive to success for adult learners trying to acquire industry relevant skills and earn a college degree, all while juggling work and life responsibilities. What keeps me at Peirce is knowing that if the college did not exist, many of our students would not pursue or earn college degrees and subsequently succeed in sustainable careers.

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