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Fixing the World

As the U.S. presidential race heats up, we can expect to hear endless talk about our global aspirations, responsibilities and interactions. With an increasingly global economy and challenges like climate change or resettlement of refugees, solutions will demand more cooperation across national lines. The future will require citizens and leaders who are educated and thoughtful about the issues and approaches to solutions. For August, DiverseBooks highlights global issues. It offers discount prices on a variety of titles to enhance your knowledge and to provide resources for course work. Here are some other selections from our publishers:


African Women and Globalization: Dawn of the 21st Century, edited by Jepkorir Rose Chepyator-Thomson, $26.96, (List Price: $29.95), Africa World Press, Inc., 2005, ISBN: 1592213545.

The effect of globalization on African women’s lives has not been evident in scholarship on Africa thus far. In this volume, scholars from diverse academic disciplines discuss a range of issues, providing perspectives on women’s experiences on the continent. Topics include the education of girls in Kenya, women’s role in agriculture and crop production, women as culture mediators in music, the participation of women in sports, biodiversity and women in resource management. The editor, Jepkorir Rose Chepyator-Thomson, is associate professor and director of Kenya Studies Abroad Program at the University of Georgia, Athens.


Reducing Poverty, Building Peace, by Coralie Bryant and Christina Kappaz,  $22.46, (List Price: $24.95), Kumarian Press, 2005, ISBN: 9781565492059, pp. 240.

The book looks at poverty in rich and poor countries from domestic and global perspectives. It examines effective strategies for reducing poverty by adapting policies, programs and projects. It challenges policy makers to learn from successes in achieving this goal so that they can apply them elsewhere. The book covers issues of interest to nongovernment organizations, community and citizen based advocacy groups, students in international development programs and practitioners.

Confronting Globalization: Economic Integration and Popular Resistance in Mexico, by Timothy A. Wise, Hilda Salazar and Laura Carlsen, $62.96, (List Price: $72.), Kumarian Press, 2003, ISBN: 9781565491663, pp. 264.

Contributors from the United States and Mexico examined contemporary Mexican politics under the North American Free Trade Agreement. The result demonstrates the impact of trade regulations on poor communities, including social and environmental costs.

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