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For Our Mothers

Our thoughts turn to mothers and grandmothers at this time of year, as Mother’s Day rolls around on the second Sunday of May. We looked through our collections to select some giftable titles for the moms on your list or your own pleasure. Some of these titles from remind us that motherhood has sorrows as well as joys.


Ms. Booth’s Garden Photographs, by Jack Kotz $31.50, (List Price:  $35) University of Mississippi Press,  ISBN: 9781578065080, pp. 128.


Jack Kotz, a photographer from Washington, D.C. and Santa Fe, N.M., documented the simple, ordinary but grace-filled life of his grandmother in a small Mississippi town — her days in her garden and trips to the bank, church, and shops. “What most interested me over time was simply my grandmother’s day-to-day life,” Kotz says. “I was constantly intrigued by the seemingly simple way she lived and the reverence with which she regarded the simplest of things and most commonplace of experiences.”

Bashert: A Granddaughter’s Holocaust Quest, by Andrea Simon $31.50, (List Price:  $35), University of Mississippi Press, ISBN:        1578064813, pp. 288.

Bashert is a Yiddish word for fate, and it was fate that sent Andrea Simon on a quest to find out more about the story of family members who were lost in the Holocaust that her grandmother had told her. She took a group tour of places Jews had lived and made a detour to her grandmother’s village from which she traced the trail of the people who were marched off to face slaughter. Simon, a writer and photographer, also researched archives and genealogical records to detail the horrors.


Interviews with Betty Friedan, by Janann Sherman, $18 (List Price: $20), University of Mississippi Press

ISBN: 9781578064809, pp. 224.

Ever since her 1963 book, “The Feminine Mystique,” awakened American women to their plight, Betty Friedan, has been a force on the social justice landscape. This is the first collection of interviews featuring her. Collected and curated by a history professor and author, the interviews span 36 years of Friedan’s life and allow her wit and wisdom to shine through as she reflects on the women’s movement she inspired and other social issues of our time.

Losing Malcolm: A Mother’s Journey Through Grief, by Carol Henderson: $28.80, (List Price: $32), University of Mississippi Press, ISBN: 9781578063390, pp. 264.

This is a mother’s account of the devastating toll that the loss of her infant son had on her emotions and her life.  Soon after his birth, she learned he had a serious heart murmur that turned life upside down for her and her husband as they sat in hospitals watching their baby endure tubes, tests and operations — to no avail. She details her despair and her recovery.

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