Giving Credit Where It’s Due for Historic Preservation
Dear Editor,
I read with great interest your excellent article in the July 20, 2000 edition of Black Issues, titled “Can Historic Buildings on Black Campuses Be Saved?” The article highlighted the continuing need and outstanding progress being made in renovating and upgrading historic buildings on historically Black college and university campuses. U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., has provided outstanding leadership on behalf of HBCUs in South Carolina and across the nation.
In the article’s reference to Knoxville College’s efforts to secure congressionally authorized historic preservation funds, and to “match” them with private sector and alumni contributions, the author mistakenly made reference to “Knoxville Business College.” Although we have enthusiastically embraced the “work college” concept as an integral part of our institutional philosophy and academic program, we have not changed our name. Knoxville Business College, another postsecondary institution here in the city, is a two-year, for-profit business and secretarial school.
Equally important, the article neglects to mention U.S. Reps. John Duncan, R-Tenn., and Bob Clement, D-Tenn. Both congressmen played key leadership roles in securing enactment of the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996. While we all acknowledge and applaud Clyburn’s role in securing inclusion of additional HBCUs in Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina in this landmark legislation, any discussion of HBCU historic preservation legislation should reference the important roles played by Duncan and Clement. I doubt that the bills could have been enacted without their leadership and cooperation in support of the HBCUs.
Dr. Barbara R. Hatton
Knoxville College
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