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HBCUS — STILL USEFUL AND VIABLE, “Perspectives: HBCUs and the
Coming Era of Growth and Service,” Jan. 17, 2008

I agree wholeheartedly with you, Mr. Larry Rivers. As a proud graduate of Fisk University, I remain dedicated to the philosophies of many of our HBCUs. Amid budget shortfalls and other educational crises, these institutions still provide a viable education for many African-American and other students, who would perish in other environments. I agree that change has come, but, in some cases, that change has been slowed by the lack of cash infusions, alumni support and federal and state assistance. My college experience was not perfect, but it certainly prepared me for our ever-changing world, and I can say that I can and have successfully competed in my career and enjoy the benefit of being respected by my colleagues and students for what I bring to the table as a professional educator, a mentor, a parent and grandparent.

— Bernard McCree, Director of Financial Aid and Registrar
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

“Lincoln U.: Tolson Gave to Wiley Students What He Received
Here,” Jan. 16, 2008

As a Lincoln graduate and an educator, I support the efforts that are being made by Lincoln. However, I think this is long overdue and that these actions should have been put into place a long time ago. Why does it have to take a media blast before we make an attempt  o claim what is/was ours, and why wasn’t a debate team established years ago? Lincoln University is a great institution, and I would not trade the education that I received there for anything in this world. We are pioneers. And we should step up to the plate and always take the lead, especially when it’s ours for the taking.

—Cheryl Ford

“Black Student Leaders Get Re-energized at D.C. Conference,”
Jan. 10, 2008

The National Black Student Leadership Development Conference was
not only an eye-opener to me, but it was also a sign that we, as young Black leaders, are moving in the right direction. The only problem I had through this whole experience was not getting the chance to talk to Dr. Carroll F. S. Hardy, (president of the NBSLDC) one-on-one. I most wanted
to talk to Dr. Hardy not only to say thank you but to tell her that, one day, I will follow in her footsteps and help the generations to come. So, Dr. Hardy, if you are reading this, thank you, and I hope that one day I will get the chance to meet you!

—Alex Peay

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