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Professional Apointments


Dr. Tony Atwater has been appointed dean of the college of professional studies at Northern Kentucky University. Previously, he was associate vice president for academic affairs at the University of Toledo. Atwater earned a bachelor’s degree in mass media arts from Hampton University; and a doctorate in mass media research at Michigan State University. He also did post-doctoral study in communication at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Myra Gordon has been named associate dean for diversity and instruction for the College of Arts and Sciences at Virginia Polytechnic and State University. She came to Virginia Tech from Fort Hays State University in Kansas, where she was assistant vice president for student affairs. Gordon earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Cornell Universit; and both master’s and doctoral degrees in psychology from the State University of New York-Buffalo.

Dr. Pauline Merry has been appointed administrative dean of Pacific Coast campus of the Long Beach Community College District. Most recently, she was vice president of student services at Irvine Valley College. Merry earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Missouri-Columbia; and master’s degree and doctoral degrees in counseling psychology from the University of Southern California. 

Dr. Curtiss E. Porter is the new campus executive officer at Penn State University-McKeesport. He is currently the interim director of the Stamford campus of the University of Connecticut. Porter earned a bachelor’s degree in English writing, a master’s degree in higher education administration and urban education, and a doctorate in psychology, all from the University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. Robert Davis, a sociology professor at North Carolina A&T State University has been elected vice president of the Southern Sociological Society. The society seeks to promote the development of sociology as a profession and scientific discipline. Davis earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Southern University (La.); a master’s degree in sociology from Atlanta University; and a doctorate in sociology from Washington State University.

Dr. Karen Jenkins in the new president of Brethren Colleges Abroad, an international studies organization. She moves into this new leadership role after serving as associate dean of the college and director of international education at Dickinson College. Jenkins studied history at Fisk University before transferring to Rutgers University; she later earned a master’s degree in international relations from Yale University; and a juris doctorate from Rutgers University School of Law.

Mary Romney, coordinator of academic support and an English as second language instructor at Quinebaug Valley Community-Technical College in Willimantic, Conn., has been installed as a member of the board of directors of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL). Her term runs from 1999-2002. Romney earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Spanish, both from Middlebury College in Vermont; and a master’s degree in education, instructional technology, and media, and in TESOL, from Teachers College of Columbia University.

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