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Castleton State to Seek $25 Million in Building Projects


Castleton State College will get $25.7 million in improvements, including an enhanced campus center, new athletic complex and significant renovations to its gymnasium.

“This may be the most exciting day in the history of the time I’ve been here,” College President David Wolk told the more than 100 people gathered in the Campus Center for the announcement Monday. “Today, together we are making history.”

The Vermont State Colleges Trustees recently approved $72 million for building improvements at Castleton, Lyndon and Johnson state colleges and Vermont Technical College. More than a third of that money is going to Castleton.

“This is an investment into our students but it’s also an investment in the state,” said Wolk.

The work at Castleton follows other recent improvements at the college, including renovations at several academic buildings, the Fine Arts Center and others. The college hopes to break ground on the new projects next year with completion in 2009, Wolk said.

He said the college’s Campus Center was particularly in need of work. “This building is tired, it has not been touched in 35 years,” he said.

Campus Center improvements will include a new, two-story addition to house the school’s television studio, radio station and campus newspaper. Expansion of the mailroom, renovations to the dining facilities and a bigger bookstore also are envisioned.

Information from: Rutland Herald,

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