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If I Were Not a College President, I Would Be…

“A novel writer”

–Dr. Sheila Ortego, President, Santa Fe Community College

“A painter, actually I am,”

–Dennison W. Griffith, President, Columbus College of Art & Design

“A musician, preferably a singer-songwriter”

–Dr. Sandy Shugart, President, Valencia Community College

“A professor, because I enjoy teaching,”

–Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, President, Spelman College

“I would’ve started a motorcycle shop or organic farm,”

–Dr. Richard J. Cook, President, Allegheny College

“A classical archaeologist or relief pitcher,”

–Dr. Dan Weiss, President, Lafayette College

“[U.S.] Secretary of Education,”

–Dr. Judith Kuipers, President, Fielding Graduate University

“Commissioner of Major League Baseball (in my dreams, at least),”

–Dr. Walter Harrison, President, University of Hartford

“I would be a professor,”

–Dr. Walter M. Kimbrough, President, Philander Smith College

“Montessori preschool teacher,”

–Dr. Danielle N. Ripich, President, University of New England

“Lawyer or tennis pro,”

–Rev. John P. Schlegel, President, Creighton University

“Author of children’s books and romance novels!”

–Dr. Dianne Boardley Suber, President, Saint Augustine’s College

 “A filmmaker,”

–Dr. Ronald R. Thomas, President, University of Puget Sound

“Working in some area of international development,”

–Dr. John F. Ebersole, President, Excelsior College

“Visual artist or kindergarten teacher,”

–Dr. Maria M. Klawe, President, Harvey Mudd College

“An itinerant evangelist, ministering in local churches,”

–Rev. Bob Ely, President, Southwestern Christian University

“An architect trying to help the city of New Orleans recover by designing affordable, environmentally sustainable housing,”

–Jim F. Barker, President, Clemson University

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