Dr. Carolyn “Biddy” Martin has been appointed chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously, she served as provost at Cornell University. Martin earned a bachelor’s from the College of William & Mary, a master’s from Middlebury College and a doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
DR. GEORGE ACQUAAH has been named dean of Bowie State University’s School of Arts and Sciences (Md.). He formerly served as the head of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Langston University. Acquaah earned a bachelor’s and master’s from the University of Ghana and a doctorate from Michigan State University.
DR. SYLVIA ALVA has been named associate vice president for undergraduate programs at California State University- Fullerton. Previously, she served as assistant vice president for academic programs at the university. Alva earned a bachelor’s from CSU-Los Angeles, and a master’s and doctorate at the University of California, Los Angeles.
DR. LEE D. BAKER has been named dean of academic affairs at Trinity College (Conn.). Previously, he served as an associate professor of cultural anthropology and African and African American studies at Duke University. He received a bachelor’s from Portland State University and a doctorate from Temple University.
DR. GEORGE E. COOPER has been named president of South Carolina State University. Previously, he served as a deputy administrator with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cooper earned a bachelor’s from Florida A&M University, a master’s from Tuskegee University and a doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.
KASSANDRA JOLLEY has been named vice president for development at Spelman College (Ga.). Recently, she served as vice president of university relations at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island. Jolley earned a bachelor’s from Simmons College.
DR. MONICA TERRELL LEACH has been named assistant vice provost for enrollment management and services at North Carolina State University. Formerly, she served as an assistant dean in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the university. Leach earned a bachelor’s from Louisiana State University and a master’s and doctorate from NC State.
DR. GEORGE M. LANGFORD has been appointed dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, effective Aug. 1. Presently, he serves as a dean at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Langford earned a bachelor’s from Fayetteville State University and a master’s and doctorate from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
BARBARA O’MALLEY has been named associate vice president for communications and chief communications officer at the University of Akron. O’Malley previously served as director of marketing and communications at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. She earned a bachelor’s from Black Hills State University and a master’s from the University of Denver.
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