Paulette Granberry RussellPaulette Granberry Russell OpinionInclusive Excellence Demands Systemic Change in Higher EdThe losses as a result of continued and strategic legislative attacks against DEI are real and have grave day-to-day impacts on the members of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education and the campuses where they serve.June 20, 2024OpinionNatural Allies: How Diversity Leaders and Community Engagement Leaders Build Democracy TogetherCommunity engagement requires a holistic and campus-wide approach. Students, senior leaders, community partners, community-engaged scholars and staff, and diversity professionals are all important members of the team.July 5, 2023OpinionIt Shouldn’t Take Racist Incidents on Campus for Leaders to Seek JusticeThe recent bomb threats against HBCUs and Black student spaces have made visible what continuously underlines the college experience for communities of color: having their presence questioned and threatened.March 27, 2022Page 1 of 1